TEC Sidemount

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The principle is to no longer carry the bottles in the back (on the back) but in a lateral configuration (sidemount).

It is an increasingly popular method in technical diving. You can enter the world of technical diving with the Tec Sidemount Diver course and apply what you have learned in other TecRec courses.

Your instructor may suggest that you integrate this course with the Tec courses.



You will learn the benefits of diving with the side mounted cylinders and how to adjust a harness for a Tec side configuration.

You will get hands-on training during one confined water session and four open dives, with two cylinders, and add at least two more, up to maybe six side mounted cylinders.



The price includes everything necessary for certification (e-learning or manual, training sessions, certification).

  • Duration: 2-3 days (or more depending on your needs)
  • Age: 18 years old
  • Prerequisites: Advanced Open Water – Nitrox Specialty – 30 dives mini
  • Number of dives in a natural environment: 4
  • Details: Equipment

* Price based on a rate of 1 Eur = 39 Rs.

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